The US, France, China, Britain, France, Russia and the State of Israel can all develop, transfer, buy, or exchange sophisticated and deadly weapons, including nuclear weapons; but Iran, Cuba, and …
There is no doubt that when the African-American, Reverend Leon H. Sullivan dreamt up the idea of African Summits, he did so with the noblest of intentions. But Reverend Sullivan …
There are those who believe that the actions of a state in pursuit of its national security objectives can not be considered terrorism. Well, that is false!
Many have wondered loudly why Nigerians albeit Africans are concerned about Middle Eastern crisis; I have treated such criticism with levity because it stems out of an ignorance of the …
Today, no one seems to remember why “terrorism” began in the first place. No one seems to remember that for upward of six decades the Israelis, with the tacit approval …
As I write, there are about 10,000 Palestinians and Lebanese in Israeli detentions and prisons without charge or trial. If there is about to be a Third World War, it …
America has lost its prized ability of balancing diplomacy with military toughness. Slowly and surely, the walls of isolationism have been brought down but it seems that the US is …
There is no doubt that North Korea is not the only country currently exploring America’s weakness, the mad mullahs of Iran are doing exactly the same thing and it must …
Berlin is the capital of Germany and beneficiary of one of the most expensive rebuilding projects embarked upon by man since the end of the 2nd world war. The much …
If Iraq wants to go nuclear, she ought to be able to do so since every state has the right to safeguard her national interest. Why did the United States …
It has become exceedingly easy, sexy and even entertaining to be extremely critical of the African continent and its travails…
It has become exceedingly easy, sexy and even entertaining to be extremely critical of the African continent and its travails…
Various scholars have noted that it is very easy to start a war; but very difficult to end it. Wars are messy and expensive and usually have unintended consequences. In …
Images from and about Africa and Africans can be gruesome and demoralizing. The western press paint a picture of a continent and a people that are incapable of governing themselves, incapable …
I feel perplexed as to why George Bush is still as popular as he is with his conservative base despite his flawed policies…
At the bottom of the crisis in Darfur is famine and devastation. The sooner the region is placed on the path of sustained development, the sooner the parties would see …