Africa is a lucky continent judging by the quantity of attention she receives from the world leaders and institutions. African leaders should immediately exploit the gains of this romance…
There are quite a number of lessons to be learnt from the scandal which hit the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Administration in Liberia recently…
To an average Nigerian, the man, Obasanjo, embodies everything that is negative in planning any form of renaissance. If African renaissance is to be fashioned against the spirit of Obasanjo’s …
Why the establishment of military bases in foreign countries? What is the aim of American global militarism? Is it an act of being proactive or anticipatory? Is America trying to become …
I know why those Kenyan brothers live longer, they love life and seem to have perfected the art of modern polygamy…
When you look at all the people in the world then you start to appreciate those who left their feet on the sand of time, people who did things that …
Toxic waste is a gigantic, satanic and dangerous business. It is the third arm of what observers call the Devil’s Trinity, which includes hard drugs and arms…
It has been said by many people that the problem of Africa is a problem of leadership. But one also needs emphasise that the ordinary man and woman on the …
Each time I ruminate about happenings in both Nigeria and Kenya, as representatives of the continent of Africa, I become confoundedly worried. Situate the current political logjam in both countries …
The period of gunboat and bazooka diplomacy died a dishonourable death a long, long time ago with Lord Palmerston, Otto Von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler. Today’s wars are usually wars …
The USA and Britain and other Western democracies can huff and puff and play to the gallery and say all they want, Nigeria is our country. They should mind their …
Nothing good, it seems, can come out of Africa, and so the western media rarely paint Africa and her people in good light. As lopsided, unfair and unjust as most of …
The age-old reliance by African countries on Western media such as the BBC, Financial Times, CNN, VOA, etc., for information has not really done Africa much good. The time has …
The age-old reliance by African countries on Western media such as the BBC, Financial Times, CNN, VOA, etc., for information has not really done Africa much good. The time has …
Today, Palestine is getting to be as perilous as Baghdad. The Palestinian territory, the world must know, is now Israel’s killing-field, their shooting range, a slaughterhouse…
In the 21st century and in America, elections are still clouded. Elections are still clothed with abnormalities and imperfections…