Blair, now in the twilight of his tenure and at the jaws and manacles of history, suddenly seeks to redeem himself with a loud, but clearly hollow and pretentious eleventh hour …
Those who have been mauling, pummeling and pulverizing Nigeria, are now claiming patriotism as their excuse?
Those who have been mauling, pummeling and pulverizing Nigeria, are now claiming patriotism as their excuse?
If you think there is anything worse than a poverty of ideas, try spending 400 billion dollars in Iraq without discernible results!
Today, Africans have stood up for what Africa truly is. Today, it is evident that Africans are coming together…
Carnage. Catastrophe. Chaos. Confusion. Crazy. Devastation. Depressing. Senseless. Wicked. Weird. Callous. Unimaginable. Unthinkable. Mean. Bizarre. Massacre. Murder. Maiming. Scarring…
Don Imus’s issue brings to the fore the indecency in the use of language by some big time anchormen and women on American airwaves and cable networks…
There is a lazy notion among some misinformed Black British people, that the activities of British slave traders about 200 years ago coupled with some imaginary acts of racism are …
Hateful words have a way of consuming those who utter them. Hateful words also have a way of damaging people’s sense of self and their self-esteem. We see both coming …
Bush’s measures might not make much of a dent in oil imports.With the crisis in Venezuela, the war in Iraq and the limitations put on the capacity of OPEC to …
For many long years we have waited for men of goodwill to visit with us and change our fortune. We waited and were enslaved at the price of shadows. We …
America engineered and orchestrated regime change is about to take place in Iran. And a hobbled Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain is the ready tool and enabler.
It is unarguably correct to conclude that the diplomatic gains of the post-Russian collapse or the emergence of a lone global power has been squandered by the Bush administration…
We have to commit ourselves, without further ado, to self-interrogation and re-examine our presumptions. When and where did the rain start to beat us? Who and who collaborated in it? …
All these negative influences from abroad should and must be shunned. It may be another Sodom and Gomorrah that is coming…
Vulture companies buy up the debts of poor countries at reduced or cheap price and turn around to ask for payments much higher than these countries were originally owing, and often …