Critics and dissenters may be right in terms of some of the predatory nature of international trade and globalization, but it is hard to ignore the fact that trade and …
The darkest thing about Africa has always been the huge ignorance and misconceptions of this aptly termed cradle of civilization…
We live in strange times. A prophet is indeed without honour in his own home. One moment a man is being lauded for brokering a ground breaking deal that holds …
No jaundiced writer should talk about a” Black Monday, week or month,” when referring to the current financial crisis because I do not see how the colour black contributed anything …
No jaundiced writer should talk about a” Black Monday, week or month,” when referring to the current financial crisis because I do not see how the colour black contributed anything …
Can America single-handedly stop terrorism? What are the costs to the wives, children, and parents – and especially to the young lives of husbands, sons, and daughters who sacrificed their …
To those who continue to badger me with, “You should vote for Obama” because he is black, African American, man of color, biracial or whatever other racial umbrella he may …
Now that President Mugabe and Prime Minister Tsvangirai have crossed the Rubicon they must not look back. It is now time for progressive action and co-operation in nation building…
Suddenly in the US, Republican candidate John McCain has shifted his mantras and jumped onto Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s ‘Change’ theme…
The values that Mr. Obama demonstrates represent the values good American citizens admire and would like to emulate. I am no longer waiting for the world to change. I’m starting …
These can not be the best of times for Bill Clinton. I mean, it must be difficult for a man who prizes himself as one of the greatest strategic and …
Something is extremely clear and incontestable, Muammar Ghadaffi remains the “King of Kings” amongst those who selected him. He remains the “King of Kings” amongst his cabal of hungry, shameless …
Given President Mbeki’s antipathy towards him and his ambition, Jacob Zuma has taken to adopting opposite views to him on a number of issues…
It is not true that Solzhenitsyn hated communism, as some ill-informed scholars have said. He was a communist cadre but disagreed with the Soviet Communist party on ideological issues…
Militarism and militarization of world politics is posing frightening dangers for mankind. Both in method and subject, a strategic analysis exposes a cross-current of hedonism…
Intellectual liberty has permitted those of us who do not bear arms to peep into this special field of military science in order, primarily, to use international law to dissuade …