For some years now, but especially in the last two years, the President of Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Mugabe, has focused his efforts on self-preservation and self-perpetuation in office, thereby neglecting …
Whether you want to believe it or not Mr. Adujie, your support, tacit as it may be, for abortion, homosexuality, infanticide, puts you in the same category with the abusers …
Who among us has had to battle the headwinds of cynicism and pessimism from our fellow African brothers and sisters on the issue of how to improve the African condition? …
Barack Obama’s victory scored a rebuke on the cultural foundations of our own immigration policy. Here immigration is seen as a means of bringing people as fillers for vacancies of …
I read with considerable irritation and consternation, “The flip side of Obama” an article by one Dr. Femi Babalola, on how his favorite political party in America, the Republican Party, …
Barack Obama was lucky. His Luo father made the most profound decision of his life by rejecting Britain for America. By now, Obama would have been a mere London inner …
Barack Obama was lucky. His Luo father made the most profound decision of his life by rejecting Britain for America. By now, Obama would have been a mere London inner …
With the recent election of Mr. Barack Obama as president of the United States of America, it is my view that America is finally living up to its constitutional promise …
For Black Africa, what they had hoped and prayed for in their leaders seems abundant in Barack Obama. For several years, they have longed and prayed for such a man …
Obama and Abiola’s elections showed that a strongly-willed people desirous for a change can really make change happen. On June 12, Nigerians buried their historical differences and voted for Chief …
I am still waiting your ansa to my last letter. Hope things are all fine with you as you prepar for wite aus. How are Auntie Winshell and my shidren? …
It is easy to imagine the discomfort suffered by many in Britain following Barack Obama’s historic victory who had to endure a debate in the national media, about the prospects …
The traditional African belief and attitude to children has been successfully fractured by those who have deliberately perverted traditional belief and infused it with a distorted dose of Christianity…
The traditional African belief and attitude to children has been successfully fractured by those who have deliberately perverted traditional belief and infused it with a distorted dose of Christianity…
Please allow us to introduce ourselves very briefly. You can tell from the syntax and diction of the first paragraph that we are Nigerians. We are members of the newly-formed …
Obama carries more burden than any other president this country has ever had simply because he’s a black man…