The United Nations ought to concern itself with the activities of private banks and financial institutions operating internationally, and international financial institutions operating internationally having been established by agreements…
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remains adamant on Jewish settlement expansions. He is recalcitrant and unrepentant even in the face of findings by the United Nations and polite entreaties from the …
There is so much idiocy going on in America these days. Racism is alive and well, but now too often wears fine clothes and expresses itself in impeccable grammar wrapped …
The more fundamental issue in the health-care debate is how government can resolve the balancing of competing interests in modern American society, in a fair and equitable manner…
The World Bank and IMF are seen in developing countries as tools by which western nations control public policies and the lives of people in the developing world…
Healthcare Reform efforts have met with a deluge of noise and permeating fear-mongering. This fear-mongering is being perpetuated by those opposed to change and reforms of the currently antiquated, discriminatory …
Visiting Ghana from Nigeria for the second time in ten years, one cannot but marvel at the turn of events and the progress this country has made in recent years …
As a precursor to the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the United States and the subsequent overthrow of Saddam Hussein in March 2003, there was a US-Iraq policy supported …
America’s establishment of the so-called African Command should be seen for what it is. This is America’s self-serving armada of protection for America and her allies…
This is an oppressive usurpation of political power, power which belongs to the people of Turks and Caicos! Britain ought to be told in very clear and certain terms, that …
To be a nuclear power, all you need is the audacity. Then fortify such audacity with a few chess moves. And you are in. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has audacity perhaps. But …
To be a nuclear power, all you need is the audacity. Then fortify such audacity with a few chess moves. And you are in. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has audacity perhaps. But …
I have watched the jingles about Poland being propagated on CNN, as if Polish prosperity only took place after the Solidarity Movement impacted on Poland. The truth is that if …
I have watched the jingles about Poland being propagated on CNN, as if Polish prosperity only took place after the Solidarity Movement impacted on Poland. The truth is that if …
Black magic is partly responsible for the near emptiness of our rural areas especially in West and Central Africa as modern day economic refugees and cultural migrants flee the stranglehold …
China invests wads and wads of Dollars in America. China in effect underwrites a great deal of American public debt. Why then is it that America does not tell China …