An all American terrorist shot six persons to death. This terrorist, this monster, this animal was allowed to purchase an automatic 9 millimeter weapon with which he assassinated a federal …
Gbagbo wants all men and women on planet Earth to accept his multiversity theory that he won the recent elections in Ivory Coast. But this is false. He lost.
I have chosen to write you as a result of the anarchy that was unleashed by many students who were protesting the planned increase in fees for college and university …
I was wondering if Nigeria should out of fear calmly succumb to the glorification of Atiku’s destructive self ambition. Perhaps, we should simply call the forthcoming (s)election a no-show and …
By simple commonsense and deductive reasoning going by the profiling of apprehended or known ‘terrorists’, everybody knows that international terrorism is now a major problem of the 21st century and …
Governor Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala of Oyo State is a ‘special’ Chief Executive in Nigeria indeed. Akala is ‘special’ in many ways! He is very unique when it comes to Governors …
Mr President, you would agree with me that the Ivorian problem is rooted in identity and nationality complications arising from the huge foreign presence in the country. It is a …
The saying is well known that the first step in solving a problem is understanding what the problem really is. As long as Nigerians and Africans in general do not …
This Julian Assange-WikiLeaks controversy is the greatest battle for Free Speech and Press Freedom! We all should support Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, it’s collaborators and facilitators…
This Julian Assange-WikiLeaks controversy is the greatest battle for Free Speech and Press Freedom! We all should support Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, it’s collaborators and facilitators…
Before his tenure as vice president to George W. Bush, Cheney became chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Halliburton, a Texas-based oil prospecting firm. He continued to …
Africa must embark on the area of trade specialization where she has the greatest comparative advantage. It seems that agriculture is the best possible for Africa…
The world now knows that western nations are hypocrites, constantly spewing platitudes about their much advertised beliefs in accountability, transparency, freedom of the press, the rule of law, democracy…
Julian Assange has insisted that these allegations of sexual harassment and rape are part of a U.S orchestrated smear campaign to undermine the growing popularity of Wikileaks – and Assange. …
Men and women who get into political office, either by hook or crook, quickly adopt counter-insurgency measures to remain in power. These measures range from military intelligence operations, diplomacy, geo-politics, …
Men were never made by mere accident, situations, circumstances, or vicissitudes of life. All over history, ‘the unseen hands’ have always determined the course of man. Providence has always provided …