The press is now immersed in photographing men and women in order to expose their nudity. The serpents of illusions are crawling over the world…
Being a carefully orchestrated dollar coup against the Euro, it is understandable why rather than Europeans celebrating, it’s now Americans who are celebrating the euro crisis. Not by ordinary Americans …
This September, the United Nations General Assembly will meet. It is time to return the UN to the path of strict application of international legal rules in the conduct of …
Chinese diplomacy is firing on all engines in forcefully defending its territorial sovereignty and national integrity. The current Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu islands and rights over the territorial sea …
I start with the consideration that what happens in America should concern all of us since what happens in the world concerns America, according to Lady Clinton’s doctrine…
I wish to add another footnote to the Assange Affair, on which I commented briefly in an earlier dispatch…
The success of the 2012 London Olympics is ineluctably linked with good organisation and the application of human intelligence at the highest level. There is evidence that there is no …
If you have not heard, Hillary Clinton, United States Secretary of States was in Senegal on her official 11-day African trip that will take her to Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, …
A generation has grown up in Europe in which a “feral underclass” is sliding into hate-based, racist-driven cultural illiteracy. As victims of cultural degeneracy, hooked on the hip-up mind-set, the …
The saying that behind every wealth there is a crime has never stopped hitting my mind ever since I heard of it. I strongly believe that the word CRIME is …
After all is said and done, Mohamed Morsi has finally been sworn in as the first democratically elected president of Islamic Egypt…
The Security Council of the United Nations: Veto Powers and the Right to Protect – The War Within in Syria
by Suleiman Ojiby Suleiman OjiWhat are the justifications for allowing a few members of the UN to reject a proposed measure of the UNSC through a veto power without qualification? The justification for such …
Tragedy lies in our complete assimilation into colonial culture, the constant rejection of our values and principles in favour of western mannerisms and idiosyncrasies, the emergence of a generation of …
The embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was not destined for leadership greatness, global statesmanship or great political character from birth!
It is beginning to look like a child’s game but this is a serious business. President Obama and his reelection team have a formidable fight in their hands as they …
France and Greece are electing politicians that have rejected austerity policies which African leaders gladly accepted in 80s and 90s…