A New Dawn: Prof. Osunbor’s PDP Victory Brightens Edo State’s Future

by Sylvester Fadal

There are no honorable political men.  Not in our generation.  Not in any country.  Most seek gratuitous gains at the expense of others.  Through plenary actions, devious creativities and diversified strategies laced with mischievous intents to brighten the future of others, they maim, they kill, they lie and they proclaim the impossible for personal gain.  Today, Nigeria, the most populous country in African and the most populous black nation in the world is on the verge of reelecting a new leader. 


Unlike South Africa where Nelson Mandela, a man who arguably earned the right to lifetime presidency based on his life experiences and chose to lead by example, quitting after one term, to lay a foundation of leadership and good governance worldwide, Nigeria is faced with a confusing symposium of a president named Olusegun Obasanjo.  After three tenures segmented under a military and democratic mantle, the current president may very well change the democratic framework on this populous African nation through his actions as it mends support to the election of new leaders at the federal and state levels.


Edo State 

Over the years, I have written some of the most popular, in-depth and yet controversial articles on Edo State and Lucky Igbinedion.  Some of the articles have brought me pain and some, great joy.   I regret none.  I have personally met with lucky, had a private lunch with him and have met his repository of close staffs over the years here in California.  I have written of the Lucky I knew years before he became the Governor of Edo State and how he compromised his integrity and literarily mortgaged his conscience upon attaining the governorship position for personal gain.  I concluded after my last meeting with Lucky in Citrus Heights, California, that Lucky failed the people of Edo state.


I also over the years wrote about the man that must be honored for being one of the best sons on the nation, Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia.  He is noted for being one of the best leaders Edo State ever had, companioned closely, by Prof. Ambrose Alli. 


Today, I write with great hope, on the future of Edo State based solely on the election of Professor Oserheimen Aigberadion Osunbor as the primary PDP candidate.  In my comparative analysis of the primary candidates a few months ago, I noted that it was a close race between Prof. Osunbor, Elder Ugbesia and Prof. Julius Ihonvbere.   I also opined that in striving for excellence, Edo State needed a leader that could transform her from its chaotic decadence to a new height.  Today, I write with great conviction that Professor Oserheimen Aigberadion Osunbor, noted as a humble, intellectually polished man who earned a first class in Law from Nsukka and holds a Ph.D in Law be celebrated, for he may very well be the leader needed in Edo State. 


Though highly regarded as a great scholar, it must be clearly emphasized that his integrity among others may have paved the way for Prof. Osunbor to emerge the leader of the pack.   A skilled networking professional with etiquette for hard work and ability to follow protocol and unite relationships among divergent groups, it is hoped that he will embrace recommendations, align himself with doers and create sure-fire ways filled with strength, courage, and confidence to move Edo State forward. 


The people of Edo State have suffered enough.  Prof. Osunbor must begin immediately to turn the fears and morbid fright-of-survival of Edo State citizens into enthusiasm of hope, confidence, and joy.  I, for one, believe if anyone is capable of performing at a level of commendable heights with poise, awareness of needs and conformance for success, it is Prof. Osunbor.



Prof. Osunbor emerged the PDP representative for several reasons.  If Ugbesia had won, PDP may as well have lost the race and it would have reflected poorly on the PDP organizing team.  Prof. Osunbor is highly presumed and to most insiders, known to hold the competency and ability to lead, and not the guilt-ridden baggage of failure upon arrival.  As bright as the future of Edo State looks, Prof. Osunbor now has the chagrined challenge of facing a man that is (or maybe was) well-appreciated by most for his role as the labor leader. 


I arguably believe the challenge is of an annoying kind, for the fact that Adams Oshiomhole could have been a solid candidate if he had not chosen to align himself with Lucky Igbinedion for personal and political gain.  His decision to shift from the Labor Party to Action Congress (funded by Lucky Igbinedion’s ill-gotten wealth) to gain a political and financial backing in a desperate move of compromise may have disconnected Adams Oshiomhole from his supporters. 


To Prof. Osunbor, I say be steadfast, be resolved in your focus with your team.  The battle is not won and your forces cannot be complacent.  However, be glad that the distinctness of your race is the fact that you are needed by the people and that alone, may be the hidden mechanism behind your success.

Deputy Governor

Every great leader needs a great follower.  At this point, it is not too premature to narrow in on the best deputy to the governor.  I spent the past 48 hours analyzing potential deputies recognizing the metrical breakdown of the roles from the different regions.  With Prof. Osunbor as the governor, Edo North will earn the role of the Speaker and the subject of a viable deputy that:

(a)         has the leadership ability,

(b)         possesses the job skills,

(c)         has discipline and effective work habits,

(d)         knows how to establish performance goals and align with the success plans of the governor,

(e)         embraces change,

(f)         is a doer and embraces critical feedback,

(g)         has talents with assisting the governor to recruit skilled professionals

(h)         has integrity,

(i)         has the testicular fortitude to tactfully challenge the governor when needed,

(j)         understands financial management and accountability,

(k)          is noted as a great motivator, and

(l)         cares more for Edo State than his personal achievements among others.


Based on the region with the golden opportunity or challenge of producing the next deputy governor, only one main person at this point, ascend, based on credibility, in-depth analysis by a growing list of notables and most important, the factors listed above.


Samuel Ogbemudia Jr.

I will devote a separate article to analyzing Samuel Ogbemudia Jr. and other candidates for the deputy governorship position.  Samuel Ogbemudia Jr. sticks out of the pack like a lightening rod.  An offspring of a man noted for being one of the most successful leaders Bendel State ever had.  A good tree mostly produces great fruits all else being equal.  This intelligent, non-prideful man that exhumes leadership is barely known because of his synchronized ability to perform at commendable levels and yet divert the attention to others.  He is gifted with the blended ability to criticize and yet empower at the same time.  His balanced-oriented competency was apparent during his effective role as a special assistance on sports.  With broad-based knowledge gained in England and the United States, he has an engaging personality.  I will further explore Samuel Ogbemudia Jr. and other candidates in my next article.


Edo State is at a point of resurgence.  Together with my team, we will strive and devote time to ensuring that the people of the state comes first in the scheme of things, under the umbrella of the governor’s agenda.  This analysis is solely for the purpose of clarifying and speaking of the vision of pending success upon expiration of Lucky Igbinedion’s tenure.  Lucky, a man that spoke of Servant Leadership during his growing days back in college in Wyoming, USA and failed to practice what he preached.  Today, a new dawn is being set and the future is looking brighter.  Let’s support the newly lit candle and ensure that Prof. Osunbor emerges as the new governor of Edo State come 2007 so the climate of safety, jobs, running water, good roads, basic infrastructure that disappeared over the past 8 years will be achieved under a leadership of excellence.


From all indications, Professor Oserheimen Aigberadion Osunbor may emerge as an honorable political man.  In speaking with the Chairman of Silicon Valley 100 Black Men and senior Board Member of the USA National 100 Black Men Committee, I spoke with confidence that a new dawn may emerge in Nigeria and Edo State in particular, come 2007.  The verdict is pending.

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Doctor May 28, 2009 - 5:22 pm

There is ONLY ONE Egosa Ogbemudia (whether you add Junior to his name or not, they are one & the same). He was deported from New York for 419/Fake Checque cashing/scams along with Bamidele in the early part of the 2000’s & as such has no business even becoming a local government chairman in Nigeria. By praising Eghosa, you are either ignorant or your integrity is compromised. Hopefully it is that you are ignorant

Dave June 27, 2007 - 10:28 am

You are very well educated and quite frankly appear intelligent, but you have to use your education and integrity better than your are doing now, to be taken seriously. You cannot ignore glearing facts and still think that you are objective.

I respect the fact that you have a PHD, please, put it to good use.



Anonymous December 13, 2006 - 8:37 pm

Good write up. Indeed the verdit is pending. I am pessimistic that anyone running as a PDP canditate is possible of taking independent action to move Edo forward. All the usurper in the party in Edo may proof to be a spoiler for even a man with the best intention. Remember that you can not put your hand in palm oil and expect to have a clean hand without washing. I hope Osunbor will be willing to wash if he wins. And I mean he must be ready to stand up to all the usurpers and free himself to perform other wise forget it. He is going to perform like Lucky.

I think your hope on Osunbor may be well placed but I find your support for Ogbemudia patronising. I also think your side swipe at Oshimole is unwaranted. You accuse him of the same crime your Osunbor has committed. Dinning with the devil.

Aigbokhaivbo December 13, 2006 - 6:13 pm

Truly said. In the pack of those that are available to select from, this may be the best choice. He is neither with Anenih or Igbinedion. Rather than be pessimistic, we should hold up our hopes. Thanks for the analysis.

Prince kennedy Iyoha December 13, 2006 - 5:14 pm

Dr. Sylvester Fadal


Thanks a lot for this article, and the confidence in informing about the newly elected candidate of the PDP. Following your article, it seems that you have an in-depth knowledge of this Professor Osubor, and his abilities to transform this state to glory. You have also mentioned the achievements of Dr S.O Ogbemudia, in the transformation to a vibrant and respectful state during his time as administrator and governor alike, you have failed to inform of his dubious activities during the governorship of Mr. lucky Igbinedion. One most be blind not to see his handwork in all the worse the state has gone through all this eight years.

Fine he made the state what it is today, when the country economy was buoyant, and the level of corruption was low. He probable may have realized that he was a fool, while he did all the good things for which he is still remembered for today. It will be unfair to say that he performed better than Professor Ambrose Ali. If you can remember, the Ambrose Ali administration functioned practically without the financial support of the federal government, which at a point refused to allocate the found meant for the state due to some misunderstanding between the two. Notwithstanding, the Ambrose Ali administration tired more roads in the state than what the Dr.S.O.Ogbemudia administration did.

I am not trying to take the credits of a job well done by the Ogbemudia administration, but his relationship with Mr. Tony Anenih, Igbinadion senior and a host of others to frustrate the state for this past eight years, may have removed whatever credit left on him, particularly now that he is lobbying members of the house to honor him by changing the state University to his name, after doing same to the state sport complex.

Dr Fadal. Please tell me why you are so convinced that a PDP. Candidate will win the governorship election in Edo state? Why the absolute confidence that professor Osunbor will work for the interest of the state? Did you not confide in the ability of Lucky to deliver when he was begging for vote form the people? Why did you think now, that professor Osunbor will not disappoint the state as lucky did?

In as much as Mr. Tony Anenih, Dr S.O.Ogbemudia and Igbenadion senior are part of the machinery that will propel professor Osunbor to the state house, he is bound to fail, because they are going to be there to remind him that their interest is first before that of the state. Unless as a clever person, most device a means of having then far from his back. I just hope your prediction of this professor will not become another disappointment for our people.

obi, USA December 13, 2006 - 12:24 am

It may be that dawn for your state after all. Prof Osunbor versus Comrade Oshiomole! Head or tail, the people of Edo State would win this one.

Oboh December 12, 2006 - 9:46 pm

Interesting comments. Thank you Dr. Fadal for the article. I am happy for Osunbor. At least he has the education. I am also happy that Anenih's boy Ugbesia did not win. Let's hope for better future.

Anonymous December 12, 2006 - 6:55 pm

This Prof. Osunbor I assume is Anenih's man (otherwise he could not have won the primary) and you think he is Edo State's savior? You're naive.

Dr. Fadal December 12, 2006 - 12:56 pm


The convicted man is named Eghosa Ogbemudia not Jr.

Dr. Fadal December 12, 2006 - 12:46 pm


Get your facts straight. The ex-con is not the man I referenced in my article. Of all people, I will never compromise my integrity. The ex-con article was generated by my team among others. You are mixing the facts. My current article speaks on the first son of Ogbemudia. Also, as noted in my article, I am analyzing all aspirants from Edo South with expressed interest in the deputy position. If you have valid names of interested candidates, send them to me and my team will conduct the research at our cost. Only send me names of those that have expressed an interest. Thank you.


Solution December 12, 2006 - 9:30 am

Shame on you – Samuel Ogbemudia Jr an ex-con deported from the states for fraud!!!. Na wa for nigerians


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