The best president Nigeria never had was Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo who in his quintessential wisdom had vibrant and genuine vision for Nigeria. Nigerians were denied the opportunity to eke from Awo's political gymnastics and economic wizardry. He died before everyone woke up to nag their teeth and realized what they have lost. Nigerian history is stunningly repetitious. We have never learned from our nauseating history which has been piteously a circumlocutory experience. His dreams for Nigeria was never allowed to materialize by the powers that be, and the result of which we are all involved. Every fabric of Nigeria now stinks unless we want to deceive ourselves. On June 12,1993, Nigeria was literally on the road to greatness as we unequivocally spoke with one voice. Though, initially there were injections of tribal and religious sentiments but truth prevailed as Nigerians from every corner of the country jettisoned ethnocentrism, religious bigotry and other political idiosyncrasies to unite through election and vote against the dictatorial regime of Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. Tragically, Babangida and his collaborators aborted the wishes of millions of Nigerians in the historic June 12 presidential election. He callously sentenced the nation back to darkness and we are yet to recover from it. Res ipsa loquitor (fact speaks for itself). The current state of hopelessness and despondency should not be allowed to continue. It is obvious that the political clime in the country is infatuated with rogue politicians who have recycled themselves over decades, but why don't we look for bewitched and incorruptible individuals who have proven track records of accountability in the affairs of Nigeria. It dampens one's morale and hope to see us celebrating failures of our leaders instead of chiding them for encouraging corruption in all spheres. The likes of Muhammadu Buari and Governor Fashola epitomize the mind of leaders whose political personae go beyond selfishness and hedonism. Buhari's honesty, history of probity and integrity qualify him in today's Nigeria, he is imbued with impeccable credentials and unblemished political career. A man who has proven time and time again without any foreign account and other flamboyant lifestyles that characterize typical African leaders. He is a man that is ready to declare his assets anytime. Fashola's accomplishments in Lagos state is also sterling and is a litmus test for the greatness of Nigeria. The rare combination of the two will be an engine of change for a new Nigeria.
Meanwhile, instead of the Nigerian youth to rally round the incorruptible leaders amongst them now to bring back our glorious days, they are being used as a wedge in the hands of those who do not care about their future. These people in government travel to Europe, America, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia and see the taxpayers monies in action. Their prodigal children schooled in Europe, Asia and America, and the poor masses are at their own mercy. Yet, we the poor, our own psychology is our deadliest enemy, once that wrongly wired psychology is re-wired according to Prof. Pius Adesanmi, every other thing shall be added unto it. Concisely, with the abysmal failures and performances of PDP government where security of life and property is not guaranteed; where corruption is codified as not stealing; where corrupt leaders flaunt the wealth of the nation with impunity, and where mediocrity is embraced in place of meritocracy. When the soul of a nation is in the wilderness, it will be exposed to free for all vices as we witness in today's Nigeria. The 2015 presidential election should be a piece of cake for Muhammadu Buari in a sane society considering avalanche of oddity in GEJ's administration. APC should hire the strategists that designed the Hope 93 for MKO Abiola, then mobilize door to door campaigns to sensitize the populace of the need to uproot every trace of PDP cancerous corrupt regime from Nigeria. This writer also recommends the following: #enoughisenough for APC to use in all their jingles and newspaper adverts. The collective participation of all well meaning Nigerians is crucial in this defining moment in our nation's history. We lost a monumental opportunity on June 12, 1993 elections to correct and re-engineer the structural defects of that great hapless country (I am too sure that Gen. Babangida, and his cohorts who conspired with him to do injustice and castrate that country are not happy men and women today). February 2015 is around the corner when we will be determining our fate and the future of our children again. The question about this coming election should be a choice between FAILURE and HOPE. This forthcoming general elections should be similar to Hope 93 with our collective voice through vote, unless we want to remain on this famished road to no where. Mobilization should start right now from every corner of Nigeria and in the diaspora to bring back our past glory. We should wisely avoid sentiments, hatred and mundane issues( religion and ethnicity) to becloud our sense of reasoning. More than a decade, PDP government has been abysmally ruled and ruined our lives and mortgaged the future of our children. Nigeria is unique and a great nation whose lost glory can still be optimistically restored. Enough is Enough as we do not want more of the same. A word is enough for the wise!!!